Editing Files in Command Line

Usually, when we simply edit scripts or configuration files, we don't use SFTP to download, edit, and then upload and overwrite. We can use the Vim editor for editing.

Vim has a certain learning curve and operates differently from conventional text editors. Please refer to this tutorial: link.

Here are some basic operations (highlighted ones must be learned before using Vim) to avoid getting stuck in Vim without being able to exit.

1) Open a file:

vim run.py

2) Some operations in normal mode:

  • Arrow keys: Navigation
  • h: Move left
  • j: Move down
  • k: Move up
  • l: Move right
  • w: Move to the beginning of the next word
  • e: Move to the end of the next word
  • b: Move to the beginning of the previous word
  • gg: Move to the top
  • G: Move to the end
  • yy: Copy the current line
  • yw: Copy a word
  • p: Paste
  • 2p: Paste twice
  • dd: Delete the current line
  • .: Repeat the previous operation
  • u: Undo the previous operation
  • ctrl+r: Redo the previous operation
  • :%s/old str/new str/g: Global replace

3) Enter insert mode:

  • i: Insert before the current character
  • I: Insert at the beginning of the line
  • a: Insert after the current character
  • A: Insert at the end of the line
  • o: Insert a new line below
  • O: Insert a new line above
  • ci{: Delete the content inside the { brackets and enter insert mode

4) Press Esc to exit insert mode, and enter the following to exit:

  • :wq: Save and exit
  • :q!: Force exit

Note that the colon : is necessary.

Last update: September 16, 2023